Változás a világban | Change in the world

Ami az eddigi tapasztalataimat illeti, alapvetően három reakciót különböztethetünk meg, ami az ÉlményParkkal kapcsolatos olvasói értelmezést illeti. Ez egy baromság, hogyan veheti ezt bárki komolyan és ez az ember egy nagyot kamuzik. Ez nagyon jó, hogyhogy ez eddig nem jutott senki eszébe. Nem tudom igazán mi ez, de lehet, hogy nagy veszélyt jelent ránk.

As far as my previous experience is concerned, we can basically differentiate between three reactions to the reader's interpretation of the Adventure Park. It's a bullshit, how can anyone take this seriously and this man is a fool. That's very good, so nobody's ever thought of it. I don't really know what this is, but it may be a big threat to us.

Az elsőre a következő az álláspontom. Akkor ne vedd komolyan. Szabad akaratodból olvasod ezt és a szabad akaratodból is döntesz. Nekem is jobb, ha olyan emberek kerülnek ezzel a témával kapcsolatba, akik építő-alkotó szellemben állnak hozzá.

My first point is the following. Then don't take it seriously. You read this from your free will and decide on your free will. It is also better for me to get in touch with people who are in a building-creative spirit.

A másodikra az az álláspontom, hogy az, hogy ez valakinek még az eszébe jut, semmit sem ér a megfelelő tudatszint és hatalom nélkül. Nem beszélve arról, ezt olyan szinten kell kidolgozni, hogy tényleg ne jelentsen veszélyt senkire, épp ellenkezőleg, hisz célja a világ helyreállítása. Mivel könnyen megérthető, a nehézségét csakis az adja, ha nem hiszed el, hogy ez ilyen könnyű lenne. Mondjuk úgy, nekem ez nagyon nehéz volt és nagyon sok időbe is telt, hogy ez neked most könnyű legyen.

My second point is that the fact that someone thinks of it is worth nothing without the right level of consciousness and power. Not to mention, this has to be developed at a level that does not really mean danger to anyone, on the contrary, because it aims to restore the world. Because it is easy to understand, your difficulty is only if you don't believe it is that easy. Let's say it was very difficult for me and it took a lot of time to make it easy for you.

A harmadik esetén már alapvetően két táborra szakadhatnak az emberek. Az egyik oldalt azok képviselik, akik behódoltak és így részesülnek annak jutalmából, azaz anyagi gazdagságra tettek szert, így érdekeltek ennek a neo-feudális rendszernek a fenntartásában. Természetesen rájuk valóban nagy veszélyt jelentenék, ha nem oldottam volna meg azt, hogy ezek az emberek oda kerüljenek, ahol ez a rendszer él tovább. A másik tábor, akiket tisztességes, becsületes embereknek tekintek és ennek a hibás irányba történő tudatszint emelkedésnek a vesztesei, ők alkotják azt a bázist, akikből azok a fejlett emberek lehetnek, akik a korrekció után a demokratikus világot képviselhetik az isteni szinten. Számukra ez az ÉlményPark maga a megváltás.

In the case of the third, people can basically break into two camps. One side is represented by those who have surrendered and thus receive their reward, ie they have gained material wealth, so they are interested in maintaining this neo-feudal system. Of course, they would be a great threat if I hadn't let these people go where this system survived. The other camp, which I consider to be decent, honest people and the losers of this level of consciousness rise in the wrong direction, is the base from which the advanced people who, after correction, can represent the democratic world at the divine level. For them, this ÉlményPark is the salvation itself.

A világban eddig is folyamatos volt a változás, ám a tömegtájékoztatás és a technológia fejlődése olyan kihívások elé állított bennünket, ami a téves egység értelmezéshez vezetett. Ez előtt mindenki csak a saját világában élt, mert csak azt ismerte. Az ez előtti utolsó globális civilizáció olyan rég volt, hogy arra már senki sem emlékszik, csak olyan (hivatalosan el nem ismert) anyagok számolnak be róla, mint az Arvisura*.

There has been a constant change in the world so far, but the development of mass media and technology has brought us challenges that led to the misinterpretation of unity. Before that, everyone lived in his own world only because he knew it. The last global civilization before this was so long ago that nobody remembers it, only material (officially unrecognized) is reported to it like Arvisura*.

Ebben az új globalizálódó világban mindenki arra törekszik, hogy ő legyen a világot meghatározó tényező, ám csak kevesen gondolnak a többiekre is. Így olyan harc indult be a világuralomért, ami olyan problémává vált, amit meg kellett oldani. Ezt csak úgy lehet megoldani, ha valaki, aki ezzel foglalkozik olyan dimenziószintet ér el, hogy képes legyen mindenkinek saját valóságot nyitni, amik majd összeállnak természetes valóság-csomókká. Így mindenki győzni fog a saját nézőpontjából, az informatikai szemlélet pedig segít elhelyezni őket egy multiplex vetítéses rendszerben.

In this new globalizing world, everyone strives to be the determining factor in the world, but only a few think of others. So a battle for world domination began, which became a problem that had to be solved. This can only be solved if someone who deals with it reaches a dimension level that is able to open up to everyone's own reality, which will then come together into natural reality nodes. So everyone will win from their own point of view, and the IT approach will help to place them in a multiplex projection system.

A valóságok szétválása miatt én nem biztos, hogy ott leszek a tiédben, ám te vagy az az ember, aki rendelkezik a szükséges információkkal, amit itt most olvasol. Az én világom a fejlett ember világa lesz, ahol nincs sem kizsákmányolás, sem túlnépesedés, sem vallásos vakhit. Mivel az Alsóbb Világok többsége egyben tanuló világ is, arra meg lesz a lehetőség, hogy az ottani halálotok után bekerüljetek az enyémbe, bár ez is meghaladja az átlagelme megértési kereteit.

Because of the separation of realities, I may not be there in yours, but you are the one who has the information you need to read here. My world will be the world of an advanced man, where there is neither exploitation nor overpopulation nor religious blindness. Since the majority of the Lower Worlds are also a learning world, there will be an opportunity to enter mine after your death, even though it is beyond the limits of understanding your average.

De ez a világ, ami most körülvesz mindenképp megváltozik és ez független attól elhiszed-e vagy sem. Hogy hogyan és mivé, az mindenki világában eltérő is lehet. Nehéz 3D-ben az ilyesmire pontos határidőt mondani, de ha tippelnem kellene, olyan 3 hónap múlva lehet az az időpont, amikor a változás láthatóan elkezdődik.

But this world, which is now surrounded, is bound to change, and whether you believe it or not. How and how it can be different in everyone's world. It's hard to say the exact deadline for this in 3D, but if I guess it should be a 3 month time when the change will begin.

Az emberi tudat új felépítése | The new structure of human consciouness

* Arvisura a wikipédián | Arvisura's on wikipedia, english translation here

The Arvisurák is an eclectic [1] [2] myth system written by Zoltán Paál and a summary of its belief in it. According to Paál, the work, the content of which was partly understood by the Szalaváré Tura Soviet parachute partisan [3], and by the "thought-vibration procedure" [4], includes the thousands of years of history and worldview of the Hun-Hungarian tribes. His credibility is controversial.

The origin of the name

Looking at the origin of the word, Zoltán Paál wrote that this expression survived a thousand years ago, a woman of great knowledge, the Lady of Ardvisura, the mother of Hungarians, who left wisdom and teaching to the mankind who lived then. According to the work, it was before the Flood, the Pacific Atais (Ata-Isis=Father Isis), which was inhabited by the ancestors of the Hungarians - which is not the same as the most famous island of Atlantis.

The meaning of the word arvisura is true words. In later ages, this term was said to have been used for all spiritual and historical writings written by the tribes taught by the Anyahita (Motherahita). There is no accepted evidence of the historical existence of the text recorded by Ardvisura Anyahita and the subsequent "writing shamans", so the only source for the publication of Arvisura and their content is Zoltán Paál.


The message and significance of Arvisura

Arvisurák, who was named Palóc, gives a deeper insight into the millennial life of the Úz (Oz) People, and the students of the work can learn about the system, organization, rut culture development and the vision of their initiators of the Hun Tribe all over Asia. According to the followers, this work reveals a number of new historical correlations about the life of Hungarians before Árpád.

The Age of Arvisura

According to the Palóc regal described by Zoltán Paál, the Arvisuras Anyahita began to write on an island called Atais, which fell exactly before Christ in 5038. It can be assumed that the birth time of Arvisurák is older. However, the tradition of the Arvisura rut was greatly renewed before 4040 before Christ, when a tribal association was formed in Ordos (China), which was a founding member of 24 tribes: kaza-hun, Szekler-hun, turkish, jasai, latvian, bulgarian, mansi, kabar, bulgarian, mari, tatar, mongol, kun, mansu, suoma, voti, baskir, newgur, avar, estonian, komi, screw, vepsze, mordvin. The members of the Hun Tribe unanimously revived and carried forward the tradition of Arvisura. This tradition is supposedly documented until the 1780s - not yet based on authentic sources - and then only the names of the writers and leading shamans. The earliest written records known by history science date back to about 3,000 before Christ (Uruki archaic texts, Egyptian Nagada III), so Zoltán Paál's statements, according to our present knowledge, are not confirmed from an independent source.


The name of the island was formed after one of the deities of the obi-ugor mythology (Torem), wrote the Palóc World. [5] After Ata-Isis, the name of the Father, the island was named Atais. The people of Atais have developed an advanced culture over time.

According to the palóc myth world, the island was led by the so-called Armogurs, of whom twelve have been distinguished during the entire existence of the island, but the sources available today only write about the last thing as a state-organizing activity and strengthened the prince's power. According to the regeneration of today, XII. Armogur's wife was Ardvisura Anyahita.

The island of Atais, according to the beliefs of the Arvisura, could have existed in the Pacific Ocean, roughly south of today's Hawaiian islands, however, there is no geological or other scientifically accepted evidence of this, its mentioning is currently only known from the Palóc legend. The topography and hydrography of the island, based on a so-called shaman map, has been carefully delimited, and this map has remained in the legacy of Zoltán Paál, which also bears the name of the rivers, mountains, buildings and cities of the island on the Pacific Atais, inhabited by the ancestors of the Hungarians  - which is not the same as the most famous island of Atlantis.

The meaning of the word arvisura is true word. In later ages, this term was said to have been used for all spiritual and historical writings written by the tribes taught by the Anahita. There is no accepted evidence of the historical existence of the text recorded by Ardvisura Anyahita and the subsequent "writing shamans", so the only source for the publication of Arvisura and their content is Zoltán Paál.

The credibility of the Arvisura sources

The authenticity and the underlying reality of the Arvisura manuscripts published by Zoltán Paál in 1972, and after his death at the Püski Publisher, are questioned by the vast majority of researchers. László Gyula, a renowned Hungarian archaeologist, described the work as a "folk song" [6] in a private letter dated February 27, 1976, even more sharply when he wrote: "... the dear folk tale is the foolish tale of an obsessed man." 7] With Arvisura László Klima, an archaeologist and linguist, also dealt with his writings.

The point is about the credibility of Arvisura

1. Zoltán Paál was a simple worker who wrote these stories continuously for thirty years, writing a total of 10,000 pages. According to author Gábor Czakó, one of the first versions was only 89 pages, and later the records of the regatta (277 manuscripts in the OSZK, 270 pages) were filled, finally, in the two-volume version published by Püski Publisher, there is already text above 1500 pages.

2. In Avesta, there is a goddess named Anahita (wd), in whom the faithful were honored by the forces of water, fertility, healing, and wisdom. Avesta's name: Aredvi Sura Anahita, later version: Ardwisur Anahid. His cult appears, for example, in Iran, Kangavar, [8] but the temple of this goddess also stood in Bishapour. [9] It should be noted, however, that the exact relationship between the Anahita and the Zoltán Paáhán-form in Avesta is unclear.

3. There is no geological or other scientifically accepted evidence of the existence of Atais. His assumed position is very similar to the ideas of the Mu continent, popularized by Colonel James Churchward. They were also processed in Hungarian, eg. Jenő Csicsáky The Way of the Hungarian National Family from Far West to Far East (Sydney, 1961) [10]

4. The nature of the "thought-vibration process" [11].

5. The role of the "speaking buglar" in the writing of Arvisura's text [12].

Személyes megjegyzés a 3. ponthoz, mert én is végeztem kutatásokat ez ügyben | A personal comment to point 3, because I've done research on this issue

Ataisz feltételezett térképe az Arvisurából | Atais's presumed map of Arvisura

A Raita Bank néven ismert víz alatti terület vízmélységi adatokkal | Underwater area known as Raita Bank with water depth data

Ugyannak a területnek a műholdfelvételei | Satellite imagery in the same area

Domborzata | Topography